Sunday, October 30, 2011

Queens County Farm Museum

Tomorrow is Halloween and in the morning we did not have  a pumpkin for Halloween yet. Can you imagine Halloween without without a pumpkin or two? So early afternoon we looked online to find a place close by and we went to the Farm Museum in Queens. Since all the roads were in horrendous conditions since the storm yesterday, this seemed to be a nice little trip instead of the farm trip we had scheduled.  Our neighborhood is fine, but some of our friends are not so lucky in Dutchess County in the Hudson Valley. (We were there last weekend, I yet have to share that trip with you. The weather and the trip was amazing.)
This concept of a farm museum in Queens is pretty nice, and my favorites were the piglets.  And we did get two pumpkins,  a small one and a much smaller one. I enjoyed the trip as much as a child would, though I did not pet the animals. Some of the kids were wearing their Halloween costumes already, they were cute in their outfits.
(In the farm souvenir store they even had yarn, nice undyed natural color.)

Holnap lesz Halloween, es ma konstataltam meg nem vettunk tokot, hogy kirakjuk az ablakba. Ugy volt hogy ma elmegyunk egy farmra kivalasztani, de a tegnapi vihar utan az utak sok helyen jarhatatlanok es sok helyen napokig nem is lesz elektromossag. Mult hetvegen voltunk Dutchess megyeben a Hudson volgyben, es csodalatos kirandulas volt. Ezzel az uttal itt meg ados vagyok, nemsokara felrakom a kepeket... Ugyanezen a helyen most nincs elekromossag es 45 centis ho fedi a tajat.... kidoltek a fak a ho sulyatol es sok ut jarhatatlan.
Ez a farm ahova elmentunk eleg klassz hely volt, tulajdonkeppen egy farm muzeum. Nekem a kismalacok tetszettek a legjobban. Szerintem nekem ugyanugy tetszettek az allatok, mint a gyerekeknek, haba en nem simogattam meg oket. Volt olyan gyerkoc aki mar ma is a halloweenes kosztumeben volt, nagyon aranyos kis jelmezek voltak.
Es persze vettunk egy kis tokot, meg egy meg kisebbet.
(A farm boljaban meg fonalat is lehetett kapni, szep egyszeru natur szinben.)

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