Monday, October 3, 2011

delicious cupcakes

top from left: carrot cake, salty caramel, coconut, pistachio, peanut butter, chocolate vanilla

A new cupcake place opened nearby, called Cupcakes in Heels and we ventured out to try their cupcakes. I have to say I am not a big cupcake person. I know they are the IT thing in baking right now, and I see all these cupcake stores open all over in Manhattan as I walk the streets.
However these cupcakes were pretty delicious :)
My husband loves sweet things, however I have a lower tolerance on the sweetness scale.

oramutato iranyaba fentrol: kokuszos, vanillias csokis, sos karamellas, mogyorovajas, repa tortas, pisztacias

Nem regen egy cupcake sutemenyes nyilt a kornyekunkon, Cupcake a Magassarkuban nevvel. Meg kell hogy jegyezzem, en nem vagyok nagyon oda ertuk. Itt most egy nagyon nagy orulet van, Manhattani koszalasaim soran  latom am, hogy nyilnak a cupcake uzletek sorra.
De amit most kostoltunk ebben az uj boltban, hat finom volt.
Azt hiszem nem olyan edes a maz.
A ferjem szereti a nagyon edes dolgokat, en kevesbe.

first time around not much left over - elso nekifutasra nem sok maradt 

Having tried all six flavors, this is our vote:  
I liked the salty caramel one the best.
My husband liked the carrot cake and the peanut butter one.

from left: salty caramel, carrot cake and peanut-butter - balrol: sos karamellas, repatortas es mogyorovajas

Miutan megettuk mind a hat cupcake-et, ez volt velemenyunk: 
A legfinomabb a sos karmellas volt szerintem.
A ferjem a repa tortas es a (foldi)mogyorkremeset tartotta a legfinomabbnak.

1 comment:

  1. A karamellás csábított volna engem is rögtön! :)))
