Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Yarn along - kotes es olvasas

I have two passions that keep following me in life. One of them is reading, and the other one is knitting. I am sure this is not a revelation for you, if you read my blog from time to time. However, today I am going to combine the two with this icon, Yarn Along.
The idea behind this icon is to match up two things you enjoy. It could be a description of a knitting, and some musings over a book; or it can be a picture to illustrate your progress in knitting/crocheting and the book.
This is how I join in with Ginny on Wednesdays about knitting and reading.

Ket dolog van amit soha nem unok meg, az olvasas es a kotes. Gondolom, ez nem nagy hir, ha mar olvastatok a blogot, de most elhataroztam, hogy osszekotom oket a Yarn Along gombbal.
Itt az az otlet, hogy ossze hozzuk azt, ami orommel tolt el minket. Az lehet egy kotes/horgolas leirasa, es egy konyvrol valo monfondirozas. Es lehet egy foto is, amin a konyv es az alakulo kotes/horgolas van.
Igy csatlakozom Ginny szerdai olvasok es kotok oldalahoz.

I have finished the swallowtail, and it came out gorgeous.
Befejeztem a  fecskefarkut, es nagyon szep lett.

I have started a lacy sweater for my friend's daughter. I thought they would look cute together on her big day. I don't think she reads the blog, alas the confession. But since I am in Europe I don't think that the little sweater will get there in time :(
A baratnom kislanyanak elkezdtem egy gyerkoc kis csipkes pulcsit, tul,keppen a kendo melle gondoltam, de szerintem nem lesz kesz a nagy napig :(

I heard a great interview with Judi Picoult, and realized that I have never read her. To remedy this I took out from the library Vanishing acts and stated it a few days ago. The only thing that annoys me is the font they decided to use. Do you ever get the feeling, that you can't continue, because the font is so annoying?
Nemregen hallottam egy szuper jo interjut Judi Picout-al, es rajottem, hogy meg soha nem olvastam. Pedig aki olvasta, az alig varja a kovetkezo konyvet. A konyvtarban epp benn volt az Elrabolt az apam, es hat most azzal kezdem. Egy valami idegesit, de annyira, hogy majdnem abbahagytam a konyvet, hogy a betutipust utalom! volt mar ilyen nalatok, hogy ezert visszaraktatok egy konyvet a polcra?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Yarn along - Kotes es olvasas

I have two passions that keep following me in life. One of them is reading, and the other one is knitting. I am sure this is not a revelation for you, if you read my blog from time to time. However, today I am going to combine the two with this icon, Yarn Along.
The idea behind this icon is to match up two things you enjoy. It could be a description of a knitting, and some musings over a book; or it can be a picture to illustrate your progress in knitting/crocheting and the book.
This is how I join in with Ginny on Wednesdays about knitting and reading.

Ket dolog van amit soha nem unok meg, az olvasas es a kotes. Gondolom, ez nem nagy hir, ha mar olvastatok a blogot, de most elhataroztam, hogy osszekotom oket a Yarn Along gombbal.
Itt az az otlet, hogy ossze hozzuk azt, ami orommel tolt el minket. Az lehet egy kotes/horgolas leirasa, es egy konyvrol valo monfondirozas. Es lehet egy foto is, amin a konyv es az alakulo kotes/horgolas van.
Igy csatlakozom Ginny szerdai olvasok es kotok oldalahoz.

I have finished the Swallowtail shawl. This is a gift for my friend. As far as I know she loves the color. I love the yarn. I think it came out gorgeous. I might have to knit one for myself as well. 
Befejeztem a fecskefarku kendot. Nagyon szep lett. Szeretem nagyon ezt a fonalat. Ez ajandek lesz, es azt hiszem magamnak is kothetnek egyet, mert igen tetszik.

 I have started a hat for my godson. This is a trial knit, he tried it on yestereday, and it fits nice. Now I can start to reknit the hat with the yarn hold double. He is into robots so this is going to be a nice warm hat for him.
Ez a sapesz a keresztfiamnak keszul. Tegnap mar fel is probalta, es jo a meret. Ugy dontottem, hogy ket szallal azert melegebb lenne, igy ujra kezdem inkabb.

I started to listen to Swamplandia, and not into it. I am more than half way, but I wonder if the experience would have been different if I were to read it? This was the unofficial winner of this year's Pulitzer prize in literature.
Elkezdtem hangoskonykent a Swamplandiat hallgatni. Nem igen tetszik, pedig o volt a nagy eselyese a Pulitzer dijank 2012-ben. Mar tobb mint a felenel tartok, es azon filozom, hogy nem lett-e volna jobb/mas elmeny ha olvasom?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

IVF - lombikbebi

Friday I went for my first visit in my second IVF cycle with my doctor at the Kaali Institute at Pecs. He checked if I have developed any cysts, which I did not and here we are on my second round of IVF.
I started Gonapeptyl injections the same day and Menopur the next. Today is Sunday, and I am fine. I had a little bit of a headache yesterday, but I had this in my last cycle as well. I usually vision a number for myself, and this time around it is the lucky number 3. So I am hoping for 3 eggs. I am going for a checkup on Thursday.

My only regret is, that my husband can't be here, because we do everything together. However his vacation days were used up in the previous cycle.... So I try to keep busy, I have more than one knitting project on my needles, visit friends stay with family and go to the gym.This past week I was going for Pilates 4 days a week. I loved every minute of it. I am hoping to do this for one more week. I am happy and positive.

In the previous IVF cycle I had one egg, and everything went fine, on the fourth day they emailed us, that the embryo is viable and they are going to do the implantation. Unfortunately the embryo did not this is the reason why I am doing my second round of hormone treatments.

Penteken mentem eloszor orvoshoz a masodik lombikbebi program kapcsan a Kaali Intezetbe Pecen. Meg mielott elkezdodne a hormon kezeles, azt ellenorizni kell, hogy van-e cisztam. Mondjuk pont ezert fogamzasgatolot is kellett szednem, de minden rendeben van, nincs cisztam. Aznap elkezdtem a gonapeptyl injekciozast, es tegnap, azaz szombaton meg jott hozza a mar ismert Menopur. Annyi mellekhatasa van ezeknek az injekcioknak, hogy tegnap fajt a fejem egy picit, de ma mar semmit sem erzek.
Minden ciklusban elkepzelek egy varazslatos szamot, ami segit abban, hogy annyi petem legyen. Ebben a ciklusban a 3-ra esett a valasztasom. Csutortokon megyek az orvoshoz, es akkor mar remelhetoleg tobbet tudok.
Sajnos a ferjem nincs itt velem, mert a multkori ciklus alatt felhasznalta az osszes szabijat. De probalom jol kitolteni az eletemet, tobb kotos projektem is van egyszerre, talalkozok regi baratokkal, csaladdal, es elkezdtem pilatesre jarni. Ez azert nagy dolog, mert nem vagyok egy sportolos alkat. Nagyon jol esik, es hianyzik is most hogy a hetvegen igy kimaradt. Mult heten negyszer voltam, es a kov. heten is ugyanigy szeretnem folytatni. Jol hat ram, boldog es pozitiv vagyok.
A multkori ciklusomban, juniusban, egy petem volt, ami megtermekenyult, es "vissza is kerult hozzam", de nem agyazodott be. Hat ezert van az hogy most nekifutunk ujra a masodik kornek.