Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Yarn Along -Kotes es olvasas

I have two passions that keep following me in life. One of them is reading, and the other one is knitting. I am sure this is not a revelation for you, if you read my blog from time to time. However, today I am going to combine the two with this icon, Yarn Along.
The idea behind this icon is to match up two things you enjoy. It could be a description of a knitting, and some musings over a book; or it can be a picture to illustrate your progress in knitting/crocheting and the book.
This is how I join in with Ginny on Wednesdays about knitting and reading.

I am one color stripe away from finishing this OpArt blanket. I will knt the baby's initials in there with the contrasting color (orange).
Yesterday I went into the used book store in my neighborhood. I have lived here for almost three and a half years and never been in there. I have walked out with 4 books and spent 5 dollars. I am happy I helped them to succeed, and that I got some nice books. French Women Don't Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano interested me because I want to find a healthy way of eating. I am curious how this book will speak about the French food culture. Beautiful Roses Made Easy by Jackson & Perkins is the perfect book for me to start to learn about roses. We just planted 3 rose bushes and I have to be more informed. The three bushes that we have planted look so happy, and I would like it to stay that way.

 Ket dolog van amit soha nem unok meg, az olvasas es a kotes. Gondolom, ez nem nagy hir, ha mar olvastatok a blogot, de most elhataroztam, hogy osszekotom oket a Yarn Along gombbal.
Itt az az otlet, hogy ossze hozzuk azt, ami orommel tolt el minket. Az lehet egy kotes/horgolas leirasa, es egy konyvrol valo monfondirozas. Es lehet egy foto is, amin a konyv es az alakulo kotes/horgolas van.
Igy csatlakozom Ginny szerdai olvasok es kotok oldalahoz.
Tegnap bemereszkedtem a fo utcankon levo antikvariumba. Mar lassan harom es fel eve itt lakok,  de meg soha nem mentem be. Sikerult elkoltenem 5 dollart es haza hoznom 4 konyvet. Mondjuk orulok, hogy egy kicsit igy segitem a kis boltokat, es persze a konyveknek is orulok. A francia nok nem hiznak (Mireille Guiliano) -re azert esett a valasztasom, mert szeretnek egy egeszseges etrendet, de elegem van a buntudatokat ebreszto kajakbol. Kivancsian fogom lapozni, hogy mit gondolnak a francia nok az evesrol.
A masik konyv az az elso rozsas konyvem, mert ugye ki kell muvelodnom rozsa ugyileg, hogy most van az a harom, (ill. negy csak a sargat meg nem ultettuk el, mert az egy kesobbi szerelem -vasarlas- kovetkezmenye) szep rozsa bokrunk. Es olyan jol erzik magukat, es szeretnem ha ez igy is maradna.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Third Annual Knitting and Crochet Blog Week, Photography and Composition - Harmadik Evi Kotes es Horgolas Hete a Blogokon, Fenykep es Kompozicio

This is week is the 3rd Annual Knitting and Crochet Blog Week. So as you know I don't need a special week to write about knitting or crocheting... However this week we will all write about craft related creativity each day, and that I find fascinating. We often see the finished products, but how do we really get there?
Today is the second day of discussing yarn or craft related ideas in our life.  If you plug into google 3KCBWDAY2 you will find out what other crafty bloggers think about today's topic.
The topics for today is photography. This can relate to your yarn or  just a clever composition related to your craft. The main emphasis is on imagination.
I am going to share with you a fridge magnet that I received almost 10 years ago as a gift.... and still cherish it a great deal. Even though you can see that one of the needles is missing an edge, (it must have broken as it fell down from the fridge) it is still special. Hard to see perhaps, but the whole thing is not wider than 2 inches. I am not aware where it was bought, but it was somewhere close to Morristown, NJ.

 Ez a 3. ev, hogy egy hetre sorra kerul a kotes es horgolas hete a blogokban. Mondjuk nalam gyakrabban, mert ez az ami teljesse teszi a napjaimat. Viszont orulok, hogy igy osszejovunk, es irunk egy-egy temarol naponta, hogy mi is az az ut, ami a kesz alkotashoz vezet.
Ma van a masodik napja hogy a kotesrol irhatok es mutathatom meg mi is az ami naponta inspiral. Ez a bejegyzes a fotozassal fugg ossze, a kep temaja lehet fonal, alkotas vagy csak valami ami a koteshez kapcsol teged. A kretivitas a lenyeg.
Ha beirod a google keresobe, hogy 3KCBWDAY2 akkor ott olvashatod hogy mit gondolnak mas blogosok a mai nap temajarol, es milyen kis klassz fotokkal rukkoltak elo.
En egy kis huto magnest mutatok be nektek, amit lassan mar 10 eve kaptam ajandekba. Bar igy nem jon ki a kepen, de az is meg az erdekessege hogy az egesz nincs  5 cm szeles. Annyit tudok rola, hogy Morristown (New Jersey allam) kornyeken vettek nekem anno.  Nagy becsben tartom meg ma is... (bar letort a tu egyik vege, amikor leesett a hutorol)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Third Annual Knitting and Crochet Blog Week, Color Lovers- Harmadik Evi Kotes es Horgolas Hete a Blogokon, A Szinek Szerelmese

This is week is the 3rd Annual Knitting and Crochet Blog Week. So as you know I don't need a special week to write about knitting or crocheting... However this week we will all write about a certain topic each day, and that I find fascinating. We often see the finished products, but really how do we get there?
 If you plug into google 3KCBWDAY1 you will find what other crafty bloggers think about today's topic.
Today's topic is color.  How do I choose the color(s) for my yarn? My mood and the color picking go hand in hand. I adore yellow, orange and fuschia. These colors make me happy and hopeful. They brighten my day and I smile each time I look at them. I have knit turquoise and light green shawls, as they reminded me of the ocean at Hawaii, and that is a blissful place for me. Then again, sometimes I just go for the contrast, as I did in my layered shawl, where purple and golden sand color were competing for attention. I love colors and I am bold to use them.
Since I am aware of Raverly I often browse patterns to see them  in different colors. I can do this for hours. Yet when it comes to knitting, I have to say, I almost always have the yarn first, and then, I find the pattern.
Of course I have beige, grey and olive green colors as well, but they did not make the line-up yet.
In this post I have put up three pics of my recent purchases. The stone white color is such a classic it won me over. The yellow I did not have to think about at all, (and it is on sale, Knitpicks is discontinuing the color). The blue is clearly out of my comfort zone.

Ez a 3. ev, hogy egy hetre sorra kerul a kotes es horgolas hete a blogokban. Mondjuk nalam gyakrabban, mert ez az ami teljesse teszi a napjaimat. Viszont orulok, hogy igy osszejovunk, es irunk egy-egy temarol naponta, hogy mi is az az ut, ami a kesz alkotashoz vezet.
Ha beirod a google keresobe, hogy 3KCBWDAY1 akkor ott olvashatod hogy mit gondolnak mas blogosok a nap adott  temajarol.
A mai nap a szinek kivalasztasarol szol. A szinekkel valo kapcsolatom a hangulatomat tukrozi leginkabb. Peldaul imadom a az elenk szineket, mert vidamma varazsoljak a vilagot korulottem. Sarga az elso helyen all, de a narancssarga, turkizkek vagy a melyebb rozsaszinek johetnek minden mennyisegben. Tavaly ota kotottem egy turkiz, halvanyzold kendot (a tengert jutattja az eszembe Hawaiinal) es nem regen egy ket retegu  kendot, (lila es barnas-arany bezses) amiben a kontraszt fogott meg. A szinekben nem vagyok visszafogott.
Miota ismerem a Raverly-t, persze sokat elmelazok, egy-egy mintan, hogy hogy is nez ki xy szinekben, de inkabb tampont, mint szentiras. Ugy is mondhatnam, elobb veszem meg a fonalat, utana jon a minta megtalalasa.
Persze van visszafogottabb szinem is, bezs, szurke es oliva zold, csak meg eddig nem kerultek sorra.
Ez a harom motring a mult heti vasarlasom eredmenye. A csont feher moher egy orok klasszikus elegans szin. A sargan meg gondolkodnom sem kellett, foleg hogy le van arazva, mert Knitpicks megszunteti ezt a szint. A kekhez batorsag kellett, de biztosan lesz egy minta ami pont ebben a szinben lesz tokeletes. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Yarn Along - Kotes es olvasas

I have two passions that keep following me in life. One of them is reading, and the other one is knitting. I am sure this is not a revelation for you, if you read my blog from time to time. However, today I am going to combine the two with this icon, Yarn Along.
The idea behind this icon is to match up two things you enjoy. It could be a description of a knitting, and some musings over a book; or it can be a picture to illustrate your progress in knitting/crocheting and the book.
This is how I join in with Ginny on Wednesdays about knitting and reading.

So I have great news! My 5 hour sweater fit the baby! In fact it is a little big on him, which is  a plus.... that I forgot to measure it to have a comparison in the future, is not so nice.

I am on my next adventure for this pretty boy, I fall in love with this geometric pattern, and started a baby blanket for him.

 I am progressing pretty well, and got a 60 inch circular needle. I started with the dpns and then switched to 2 23 inch circular needles, and even that seemed almost short. I am knitting with 100% cotton, not so fond of it, but I think it will be nice for the summer. I miss wool. The touch the flexibility, and the warmth.
I am reading Sweater Quest by Adrienne Martini, I like it. I was amazed at the Alice Starmore saga in the book. I am all for copyright, but this was a bit too much for me.
I am at times wondering how I don't have enough of knitting. I read about it, I can search for patterns for hours and knit... yet I am not getting enough... I am glad, that this is so intense, but at times I wonder, for long will this last?
Ket dolog van amit soha nem unok meg, az olvasas es a kotes. Gondolom, ez nem nagy hir, ha mar olvastatok a blogot, de most elhataroztam, hogy osszekotom oket a Yarn Along gombbal.
Itt az az otlet, hogy ossze hozzuk azt, ami orommel tolt el minket. Az lehet egy kotes/horgolas leirasa, es egy konyvrol valo monfondirozas. Es lehet egy foto is, amin a konyv es az alakulo kotes/horgolas van.
Igy csatlakozom Ginny szerdai olvasok es kotok oldalahoz.
Kaptam fotot a kis modellemrol, ahogy edesen alszik az uj pulcsijaban. Egy kicsit nagy lett, de ez nem baj. Az mar inkabb, hogy elfelejtettem lemerni mielott elkuldtem.

Elkezdtem egy ujabb kis ajandekot neki, ezuttal 100% pamut fonalbol. Nem kellemetlen, de vastag, es hat a gyapjuhoz kepest egy napon nem emlitheto. Itt talalhato a minta.

Kozben ezt a konyvet olvasom, ami arrol szol, hogy egy no szeretne kotni egy Alice Starmore pulcsit. Es hat errol ir, meg mas kotessel kapcsolatos kalandjairol illetve olvasmanyairol. Eleg szorkoztato.
Ha nyers forditasban szeretnetek errol olvasni itt tehetitek... a gimis angol orakat jutattja az eszembe, amikor valahogy ugy jott ki egy forditasunk, (igaz csapat munka volt) hogy: mindenhol latta, de sehol sem talalta. Na ez szalloigeve vallt, sot meg ma is hasznalom egy akkori angolos oszt.tarsammal.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Yarn along -Kotes es olvasas

I have two passions that keep following me in life. One of them is reading, and the other one is knitting. I am sure this is not a revelation for you, if you read my blog from time to time. However, today I am going to combine the two with this icon, Yarn Along.
The idea behind this icon is to match up two things you enjoy. It could be a description of a knitting, and some musings over a book; or it can be a picture to illustrate your progress in knitting/crocheting and the book.
 This is how I join in with Ginny on Wednesdays about knitting and reading.

 I am showing pictures of a shawl blocking. This is Layered, which is 2 shawls in one. This was a test-knit, that I finished too late.I am bummed out about it, since I was so happy I could knit it.  I yet have to take proper pics of it and send it to Diane. She is very talented, check out her other designs as well!

As I knit I listen to The Help. I am almost done with "reading" the book. I am sad it is going to end!!! I still did not see the film... do you ever do this, that you want to read the book first, and then see the film adaptation?

 Ket dolog van amit soha nem unok meg, az olvasas es a kotes. Gondolom, ez nem nagy hir, ha mar olvastatok a blogot, de most elhataroztam, hogy osszekotom oket a Yarn Along gombbal.
Itt az az otlet, hogy ossze hozzuk azt, ami orommel tolt el minket. Az lehet egy kotes/horgolas leirasa, es egy konyvrol valo monfondirozas. Es lehet egy foto is, amin a konyv es az alakulo kotes/horgolas van.
Igy csatlakozom Ginny szerdai olvasok es kotok oldalahoz.

Ket kepet rakok fel errol a kendorol. Layered a neve, mert ket kendo van osszefogva, es igy retegesen alkotnak egyet. Valahogy nagyon lemaradtam ezzel a tesztkotessel, pedig ugy orultem neki. Meg nem is szedtem le a tukrol, hogy az eseserol is csinalhassak par kepet, es elkuldhessem Diana-nak. Nezzetek meg mi mindent tervez, mert szerintem tehetseges es szepek a munkai!

Mikozben kotok, A Segitseg cimu konyvet hallgatom. Sajnalom, hogy mar majdnem a vege fele jarok, mert nem szeretnem hogy vege legyen. A filmet meg direkt nem neztem meg, mert elobb a konyvet akartam "kiolvasni". Ti is szoktatok ilyent csinalni, hogy elobb jon a konyv olvasasa, es utan a film, ha van rola film adaptacio?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Holidays! - Kellemes Husveti Unnepeket!

 The eggs were dyed with beets (came out brown, no leaf print there), paprika (came out almost invisible but the leaf print is really nice on it), red cabbage (came out really pretty blue with cypruss leaf motives) and curry (which became really light yellow with strawberry leaf motives).
A tojasokat termeszetes alapanyagokkal festettem meg, a barna szinu az cekla, aminem rozsaszinnek kellett volna kijonnie, azon nincs level nyomat. A paprikas az alig hagyott szint, viszont a level nyomata az olyan szepen kirajzolodott, hogy az karpotolt.A curris az halvany sarga lett es az eper levelek nem nagyon latszanak, de a szine tetszik. A voros kaposztas az a szep kek szin, es cuprus hajtasok a level motiumok.

 There is no Easter without the kitchy but cute and yummy Godiva rabbits, lambs and chicks.
 Es persze nincs unnep a kis giccses de finom csoki figurakkal.

Short bread cookies, that came out really crumbly, so I did not get to ice them, but maybe you have t wait a day, this morning they held up better...
Vajas suti, ami eleg porhanyos volt frissen, igy nem tudtam mazolni tegnap este. Ma reggel jobban neztek ki, lehet hogy varnom kellett volna egy napot a mazolas elott?

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spring with all it's joy - Csodalatos tavasz

Spring is better conveyed in pictures. Here are a few beauties inside the house... my geranium awake, peonsies wait to be planted, and my cut hyacinth just post bloom, but still gorgeous.

Tavasz szepsege szerintem kepekkel jobban illusztralhato. Ezek a kepek a hazon belul keszultek, egy ebrededo muskatli,sarga arvacsaka amit el kell hamarosan ultetnem, es egy mar elszaradt jacint, de meg mindig milyen gyonyoru!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Yarn Along - kotes es olvasas

I have two passions that keep following me in life. One of them is reading, and the other one is knitting. I am sure this is not a revelation for you, if you read my blog from time to time. However, today I am going to combine the two with this icon, Yarn Along.
The idea behind this icon is to match up two things you enjoy. It could be a description of a knitting, and some musings over a book; or it can be a picture to illustrate your progress in knitting/crocheting and the book.
 This is how I join in with Ginny on Wednesdays about knitting and reading.

I am almost done with this little cardigan. I made it for my niece's Son, who is two weeks old now.... I hope it will fit him. They live in Europe, so it is a "test knit" for size...
I have to crochet around, and make a loop for a button and find a button. The ones I saw in Michaels were not my favorite. This is a warm yarn, so he might be able to wear it for a few weeks and then with the warmer weather coming, I will start a new one with cotton.
The book is a collection of essays of people who knit in Brooklyn, and share how and when they started to knit. I love the idea, and it is an excellent light reading before I go to sleep.

Ket dolog van amit soha nem unok meg, az olvasas es a kotes. Gondolom, ez nem nagy hir, ha mar olvastatok a blogot, de most elhataroztam, hogy osszekotom oket a Yarn Along gombbal.
Itt az az otlet, hogy ossze hozzuk azt, ami orommel tolt el minket. Az lehet egy kotes/horgolas leirasa, es egy konyvrol valo monfondirozas. Es lehet egy foto is, amin a konyv es az alakulo kotes/horgolas van.
Igy csatlakozom Ginny szerdai olvasok es kotok oldalahoz.

Mar majdnem kesz vagyok ezzel a kis kardigannal. Az unokahugom ket hetes kisfianak keszul, remelem jo lesz ra, de mindenesetre ez lesz a teszt kotes, ehhez majd tudok viszonyitani kesobb.
Amugy is meleg a pulcsi, es jonnek a melegebb napok, (remelem) igy a kovetkezo az mar pamut lesz.
Most meg korbe kell horgolnom, es egy kis gomblyukat kialakitanom meg valahonnan elovarazsolni egy prezentalhato gombot... amit tegnap a boltban lattam, nem tetszett.
A konyv az egy essze kollekcio, mindegyik essze bemutat egy kotost aki Brooklynban el, es arrol szol, hogy mikor es miert kezdtek el kotni. Pont jo laza es szorakoztato kis olvasmany mielott elalszom.