Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Yarn Along -Kotes es olvasas

I have two passions that keep following me in life. One of them is reading, and the other one is knitting. I am sure this is not a revelation for you, if you read my blog from time to time. However, today I am going to combine the two with this icon, Yarn Along.
The idea behind this icon is to match up two things you enjoy. It could be a description of a knitting, and some musings over a book; or it can be a picture to illustrate your progress in knitting/crocheting and the book.
This is how I join in with Ginny on Wednesdays about knitting and reading.

I am one color stripe away from finishing this OpArt blanket. I will knt the baby's initials in there with the contrasting color (orange).
Yesterday I went into the used book store in my neighborhood. I have lived here for almost three and a half years and never been in there. I have walked out with 4 books and spent 5 dollars. I am happy I helped them to succeed, and that I got some nice books. French Women Don't Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano interested me because I want to find a healthy way of eating. I am curious how this book will speak about the French food culture. Beautiful Roses Made Easy by Jackson & Perkins is the perfect book for me to start to learn about roses. We just planted 3 rose bushes and I have to be more informed. The three bushes that we have planted look so happy, and I would like it to stay that way.

 Ket dolog van amit soha nem unok meg, az olvasas es a kotes. Gondolom, ez nem nagy hir, ha mar olvastatok a blogot, de most elhataroztam, hogy osszekotom oket a Yarn Along gombbal.
Itt az az otlet, hogy ossze hozzuk azt, ami orommel tolt el minket. Az lehet egy kotes/horgolas leirasa, es egy konyvrol valo monfondirozas. Es lehet egy foto is, amin a konyv es az alakulo kotes/horgolas van.
Igy csatlakozom Ginny szerdai olvasok es kotok oldalahoz.
Tegnap bemereszkedtem a fo utcankon levo antikvariumba. Mar lassan harom es fel eve itt lakok,  de meg soha nem mentem be. Sikerult elkoltenem 5 dollart es haza hoznom 4 konyvet. Mondjuk orulok, hogy egy kicsit igy segitem a kis boltokat, es persze a konyveknek is orulok. A francia nok nem hiznak (Mireille Guiliano) -re azert esett a valasztasom, mert szeretnek egy egeszseges etrendet, de elegem van a buntudatokat ebreszto kajakbol. Kivancsian fogom lapozni, hogy mit gondolnak a francia nok az evesrol.
A masik konyv az az elso rozsas konyvem, mert ugye ki kell muvelodnom rozsa ugyileg, hogy most van az a harom, (ill. negy csak a sargat meg nem ultettuk el, mert az egy kesobbi szerelem -vasarlas- kovetkezmenye) szep rozsa bokrunk. Es olyan jol erzik magukat, es szeretnem ha ez igy is maradna.


  1. love! the colors of the shawl :) It is beautiful!

    1. this is going to be a baby blanket, however I can imagine an orange shawl, I love orange!

  2. That looks like a very cuddly blanket. : )

    1. Thanks! It is heavy, I wonder if they will use it more like a picnic blanket. We'll see...
