Sunday, August 26, 2012

Flea market on Sunday 08/26 - vasarnapi pecsi vasar

siphon bottles

I love flea markets. Since I arrived to Hungary for the second time, I have been to the flea market twice. Oh and I am definitely going back next Sunday.
Imadom a vasarokat. Miota visszajottem, mar ketszer voltam a vasarban. Es persze a jovo heten is megyek.

a crib?

a stroller from long ago

ethnic German colors on the spinning wheel, they put it together as is, might be off
I am interested in knitting, so I think learning how to spin would be a logical step, right? So I am having my eyes open for a spinning wheel.
And today I have found two, (actually my Mom spotted them). They were both Hungarian, one from an ethnic German village (the picture above and can tell from the blue coloring) and the other one was from the county of Somogy. They both miss parts.
Amiota komolyabban erdekel a kotes, valahogy termeszetes volt, hogy a fonal fonas is szoba jojjon. Igy amikor a vasarban vagyok mindig rokkat keresek. Ma kettot is talaltam, azaz inkabb az anyu... es erdekes volt, mert eleg hasonloak voltak. Mindketto magyar rokka volt, az egyik egy svab falubol, a masik meg Somogy megyebol. Mindkettorol hianyoztak kellekek.

we found it on the ground in shambles, (left photo) and they tried to piece it together for me

the spinning wheel from Somogy county

Aside from the spinning wheel, I have a whole wish list. Zsolnay ceramics, Hungarian peasant clothes, old Hungarian cookbooks, and everything that has to do with knitting or crochet.
A rokka mellett persze meg van mas is, amiert faj a szivem, van listam, mintha gyerek lennek karacsonykor. Szeretnek regi Zsolnayt, eredeti nepi viseletet, regi magyar szakacskonyvet es persze mindent ami a kotessel es a horgolassal kapcsolatos.

copper items 

handwoven baskets
So this time I scored a beautiful Zsolnay coffee pot, without the lid, but I would use it for a vase anyhow. Double the pleasure, since I spotted this one in May and was hesitant about it. Since than he came down on the price, and it was mine. I have also seen really original and nice Zsolnay that I had to leave there :( Of course bargaining is a must. Those I need to think over. 

Most egy olyan Zsolnay kaveskannat hoztam haza, amit mar Majusban kineztem magamnak. Eddig vart ram, sot a pasi vett is le az arabol, mert nem vittek. Hianyzik a fedele, de nem is baj, mert nalam vaza lesz tuttira.
Lattam meg ket olyan Zsolnayt is amit azert meg szivesen haza hoztam volan, de most csak a kepeket mutatom, ha az a rendeltetesuk, hogy az enyem legyen, megvar. Arban realisak, persze alkudni azt mindenkeppen kell.

my Zsolnay coffeepot 

A Zsolnay floor vase

sunflower motives

Zsolnay Eosin figurines, a dog and a rooster from the 1950s
I met a couple during my flea market visits who bring Hungarian authentic peasant/folk clothes with them. I remember as I was growing up flea markets had a much wider variety of  folk clothes. As they are worn less and less today,  it is harder to spot them for sale. The fabric is thick linen with lace or embroidery decorating it. I love their full skirts, nightgowns, which you can wear as a summer dress. In May I spotted a pair of pants, that I suspect they wore under the skirt. The waist comes together with a waist string. Pretty funky. I did not buy it at time, and I think someone else snatched it, but they brought another pair for me today, that I tried on. Well you be the judge... I did not get it. However, they showed me a silk top with a hand embroidered design, that was amazing. I am the proud owner of that more modern piece.
Megismerkedtem egy hazasparral, akik szep magyar nepviseleti ruhakat hoznak a vasarba. Majusban volt egy alsonadragjuk (?), sarga himzessel a szaranal, amibe bele szerettem. De nem vettem meg. Es ugy tunik, hogy az mar masnak is megtetszett, mert nem talaljak azota. De hoznak mindig nekem helyette mast. Peldaul ma mutattak egy masik gatyat, amit fel is huztam, de nem vettem meg, mert furin nezett ki. Viszont egy inget meg elhoztam, mert olyan szepen volt kezzel himezve. Ez egy modernebb darab, de megis a kezimunka az gyonyoru. 

underwear as an outerwear

silk blouse with hand embroidery
You see only a handful of (older) women who sell their handmade items. This time I got a small crocheted hat for my friend's daughter, Cosette.
A vasarban nem sok kezzel kotott vagy horgolt cuccot latok. Akik arulnak azok idosebbek, fiatal sehol. Vettem egy kis horgolt sapeszt a baratnom kislanyanak.

crocheted toddler's hat with a rose

I have seen a scarf as well, but it was too itchy to buy it. I loved the simple yet elegant pattern so much, that I would like to recreate the pattern.
Lattam egy nagyon szep kotott salat egy turiban, de annyira bokott, hogy nem tudtam megvenni. Ezt a mintat biztosan megkotom, mert olyan szep volt a nemes egyszerusegeben.


  1. Ahhhhhh!Már mennék is Pécsre!:)))))Micsoda vásár!2x voltam csak,mert messze van.Talán jobb is.Már annyi mindenem van.:)Mire az ember eléri,túlhaladja az 50 évet,rájön,hogy végülis mindene meglett,amire lánykora óta álmodozott.A blúz eszméletlenül jól áll neked!!!!!és a többi szépség!......:)
