Tuesday, August 7, 2012

New York Botanical Garden - New Yorki botanikus kert

This week we went to see Monet's garden, an indoor exhibition at the NYBG. The main grounds of the garden is beautiful year around, and these were the pics I took outside. More to come from the exhibition itself in my next blog post.
A napokban voltunk a New York-i botanikus kertben, a Bronxban.  Ez a hely mindig nagyon szep, soha nem lehet megunni. Most Monet kertjet probaltak elenk varazsolni a foepuletben. Mielott eljutottunk volna oda, ezeket lattam az odafele vezeto uton. Monet kertjerol is fogok felrakni kepeket egy kovetkezo  bejegyzesben.