Saturday, August 25, 2012

Morning swim at Orfu - reggeli uszkalas Orfun

places to veg out on - stegek

This morning we went for a morning swim, my friends Saca, Mila and their handsome dog, Fulop. This a  good time for him for swim, as there are almost no people around.

splash- beugras

This lake region, Orfu is 20 minutes away from my city Pecs. We did the same thing last week and these memories are absolutely magical for me. Examples like this show me how simple pleasures in life are the most valuable.

Ma reggel elmentunk Orfure uszkalni egy kicsit  Sacaval, Milaval es persze a Fulop is jott velunk. Ilyenkor meg a kuty is uszkalhat szabadon, nem zavar senkit.

let me me check out that duck - kacsa vadaszat
Orfu kb. husz percre van Pecstol autoval. Mult heten is mentunk mar, es erzem, hogy ezek az egyszeru kis kiruccanasok toltenek el a legtobb boldogsaggal. Napokig tudok toltodni beloluk.

racing miniature sailboats - modellvitorlasok versenye

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